Hi there, I think that I already know the answer, but I guess I am just wanting to hear it or confirmed by someone else.....I guess from time to time I find that I am second guessing myself....(note I have been dx with MS and on Copaxone)
Heat.....today I was in a meeting, in a closed conference room. I did notice that it seemed a bit warm to me, but really did not think of it as being an issue. I began to feel the following:
- vision problems
- funy head feeling, not really dizzy, not really fuzzy, or maybe a combo of both
- tingling of the fingers and by the knees
- headache
- muscles in my neck became stiffer than normal
Then out of no where, someone in the meeting suggested that it was really warm in the room. I find it funny that I did not note it to be particulary warm, just warmer than lets say I keep my office at.
So .... will the "heat" bring on these symptoms, even though I did not find it to be that warm. Funny, the other night while at home, I started to feel these symptoms, and did not feel warm. My wife put her hand on my back, and told me that I was really warm.....again I did not notice the warmth?
Once I got away from this room in our house (took a cool shower) I began to feel better - and eventuallythe symptoms went away....
So symptoms? and can I get these symptoms even when I do not feel that it is warm where ever I am at?
Thanks for your help, and have a nice day