This is really weird. My parents have a family friend who was dx with MS 18 years ago. For as long as I can remember she has been in a wheelchair and sometime with a relapse bedridden. My parents had not seen Mary for a couple of years and last week her and her husband visited my mom and Mary walked into her house...yes walked into her house. She was using a walker but she was no longer in a wheelchair. She is taking this medication and said that it is a miracle drug.
When my mom called to tell me about her I immeditly started to cry, this is wonderful. After 18 years of being in a wheelchair, she is walking. She claims now that she can feel pain in her legs, pain that she couldn't feel before because she coldn't feel anything. She said she was willing to trade to be able to walk for some pain.
She see's a doctor named Emily Riser (sp) which is who I made my appointment with to see what we can do. I don't think my MS is as progressed as hers to be on this medication but it has been a miracle to her.
O by the way, this is an oral medication, not an injection.