I started having pain, numbness, trouble walking and vision problems in 2005. They did an MRI and found a lesion. That coupled with my symptoms made them suspect MS. They ordered a lumbar puncture and that also showed evidence of MS. It said something about there being bands where there shouldnt be. They put me on a 3 day solumeldrol IV and that made me feel a lot better for about a month. At that time I saw a MS specialist. He said he didnt think I had it and but just in case he ordered an upper spinal mri which was normal. I went back for another brain MRI last month and there is still just one lesion. I have totally dismissed MS but I was wondering if there is still a possibility I have it. I am at my wits end. I have just seen a rheumalogist and he doesnt think its arthritis either. I need help!!!!! thanks!!!