Your symptoms sound very familar to me. My diagnosis is RRMS and I have had some of these symptoms you mention.
My check ups and MRI show no signs of new damage; my neurogolist explains that my visiting symptoms are to be expected.
The vibrations I experienced in my limbs were like electrical currents running through my veins. I cannot say it was painful but it was very uncomfortable. Very gentle massage helps alot. I cannot explain why but I experience nearly instant relief. Go get someone to rub your feet is totally worth it.
The good news is that some symptoms just visit and go away. But these symptoms always leave something behind.
For instance: My right side will suddenly become very weak and uncoordinated. My handwriting will become very difficult and kinda look like a child clutched a crayon to write or I will need a cane to just walk across the room. And then...improvement! I will be able to write something that can be read and I can walk through a supermarket without knocking crap over. Although, I remain a bit clumsy and my handwriting is a slightly different than before.
I am grateful for returning functions and I very strongly recommend physical therapy. Something as simple as squeezing playdough in my hand or playing with a yo yo has been very helpful. And Pool Therapy for strength training is quick easy and fun!
Good luck and hang in there!