Hey Smily & wake-up-in- the-rain,
I have MS on left side but as the neuros delight in telling me my right is affected too though is still much stronger.
My mother had terrible migraines all her life but when the MS got bad (SPMS) the migraines stopped completely??? Her MS was in the arms & only moved to the legs in her 80's.
My voice has started fading in & out and choking can be a problem but pain when chewing sounds awful.
Both she & I have had that terrible pain on the surface of the skin. It is the nastiest symptom I know!!!!! I think its even worse than the spasms because it can be there continually. Yes, I too had it so bad that hot water hurt and hot showers had been my salvation to stop the spasms. My skin pain was worst at night which meant I could not wear any pyjamas or bear the touch of a sheet or blanket. I sometimes found I could tolerate a towel (softer I think). Could not sleep during the day because of the spasms that would wake me after 10 minutes & at night I had skin pain & spasms. I was going demented.
I have always had some ache or stinging pain in my torso & legs for the past 12 years. It gradually increased. It was my worst & main symptom. But now I have a pump with intrethecal baclofen & NO pain. Also much less spasticity. It has been a miracle & I feel I have my life back. Have you tried oral baclofen? Otherwise remember you do not have to suffer there is always the pump.