I've never posted on here before..I people don't mind me asking some questions.. I am very nervous/scared I could have ms. about a month ago, I had lower back pain..This traveled to my front thigh which became, numb and it burned so bad..I was convinced I had MS..I went to my dr. she gave me an exam..She sent me for mri on my back,,It came back showing I had a protruding disc..So my main problem is pain/numbness/burning in my thigh..it has gotten a little better, I have been going to pt/and a chiro..So one of my questions is if I have ms, would the burning, get worse with certain movements, like bending forward, driving..if I'm in bed, and get up I can feel it burn..Do you guys think this sounds like a ms? Thanks very much for your help..I'm a nervous wreck..