Hey MM,
Ok so let me tell you about the solumedrol. That is the IV steroid deal that you are going to start. It might give you some relief. It might do nothing. It is worth a try. It is NOT a treatment for MS, it only relieves a bit of inflammation. You will need a sleep aid for the first night at least. You will also need a strong heart burn treatment. Get on that the day before start the solumedrol and stay on it for at least a week after you stop. The heartburn you experience is BAD from the solumedrol.
The solumedrol can make you feel great or it can make you crazy!!! If you don't like it, don't take it!!! It won't lessen any of the disability you are now experiencing, it only makes you feel better. Does that make sense? Symptom relief only.
The copaxone is a piece of cake. I love it. The nurse will show you how to use do it. Make sure you know both ways to inject. There is a little tool called the "auto-inject" that will inject for you, or you can do it manually. I didn't like the looks of the auto-inject so I only do it manually. The needles are very fine (small) and short. It is so easy!!! Please email me if you have any questions. My email is in my profile.
I wish you the best of luck!!! You sound a lot like me as far as this being mild. Please do contact me if you need anything.