Hi there and good morning - blurry visions..... seeing that you have not been dx yet, it is hard to say if the vision problem that you are experiencing is MS related or not.
However people who do have a confirmed dx of MS, usually they will tell u that one of the very first symptom that they had was something to do with vision. Whether it be blurry, double visions, darkening sensation, etc. Sometimes it is accompanied by pain, and other times it is not. The length of time for this to pass depends on the severity of it, and of course on an individual bases.
The disorder, if it is deemed to be assocatied with MS, is likel Optic Neuritis....the optic nerve has become inflamed, and thus causing an array of vision problems.
In my case, it was the first symptom that I can recall, during my course of tests and the journey I took to get my dx of MS. I had double vision, but it passed within 10 days or so.