Bridget10-I have some of the same symptoms as you and am trying to figure this out. I'd like to give you my email but I don't want to post it here. Click on my profile and I think you can see it? I just joined HealingWell a few minutes ago. I go in for blood work next week. I've had muscle pain in my right shoulder, then it went into my shoulder joint, then spread to other shoulder, then my wrists and knees. I have tingling in my hands and feet ALL the time, muscle spasms, constant muscle twitches and had a weird electric pain that shot through the middle of my back and down into my biceps. Then my biceps hurt. I've had an MRI on my shoulder that showed a tear, then an MRI on my cervical spine that just showed bulging disks and bone spurs but nothing that would cause all these weird symptoms. I am taking vitamin D & magnesium supplements now and I think it's helping. I'm thinking maybe a magnesium deficiency or fibro. I'm afraid of RA or MS but I probably don't have that. I did an search on various symptoms and found this forum thread. I should probably go to the fibro one.
Oh, I forgot, I have Reynaud's and my hands are turning blue constantly right now which is freaking me out.
Take care everyone.
Bridget10-I'd like to know how you are doing and if you have a diagnosis yet. I hope you are okay.