I am on a mission to find out what is wrong with me and I hope that maybe one of you will recognize the symptoms. I understand that MS is different in everyone but here goes. I have SLE, sjogrens, and APS. My fatigue has been off the charts since summer(sleeping 3 to 4 hours midday and still tired). I have tingling,burning, numbness in all 4 extremeties. Ringing in ears, disabling joint pain(pain moves around),severe headaches, reflux, smell smoke where there is none, wake to crashes and bangs in the night(noone else wakes). weird feeling of wetness on knees. Perplexed, I go to wipe off knee, nothing there. sternum soreness. Vertigo, nausea, blurred/double vision. Any ideas? I dont think that this is just SLE or Sjogrens acting up...these symptoms are new to me