For the past 8 years I have had various symptoms starting from numbness clumsiness in the hands. Legs feeling hot, feet feeling like ants are having their own little party. That was just the beginning. At first didn't take much notice and thought the symptoms would go eventually. The pins and needles sensation became worse so I was referred to a Neurologist where at first he thought I may have RSI in my hands however the nerve conduction study ruled that out so he said I think the numbness and pain in your hands are coming from your neck so an MRI was performed for my brain and spine. It showed a low grade glioma on the left frontal lobe of the brain as well as compression of C3 - C7. A cervical laminectomy was performed and was successful? According to the repeat MRI.
Symptoms however continued even after the op. pins and needles in hands, clumsiness, feet like walking on glass. New symptoms started to arise like swelling of the limbs and my left leg dragged when I walked. Have had several episodes of my left side paralysed and my speech slurred. It would last for 30 minutes or so. Ambulance was called but by the time I reached the hospital I would be back to normal again. I started having seizures which would last over 50 minutes or more then subside. I would be fully conscious whilst all this was happening. The speech would be slow. The seizures became longer and more frequent. I was totally exhausted. All the time. The hospital was baffled as to know what to do with me. One neuro said that it was just stress. Gave me EEG And ECG both normal. Another neuro put me on Topamax which I had an extreme allergic reaction. Gave me sharp pains insides near ribcage and back. Could not stand or sit the pain was so great. Then I was put on Paxam. So far so good. Except a few little seizures at night. Pain has not gone away for 3 weeks now. I am on Endone for the pain. The other symptoms still are present.
If anyone out there has any suggestions I would appreciate your help