Hi there - happy new years to all.
DX for MS....mmmm
Well it can be a series of progressions, when after several progressions have accumilated - it is usually confirmed by medical procedures like spinal tap, MRI, etc.
When I say progressions, I mean events that have taken place over a period of time to point in the direction of MS. Now I know that everyone is different, making the events enter into the progression at different stages, but it is pretty common for one to be bothered by the following (I am listing the order to which the progression hit me):
- unexplained fatigue
- vision problems (optic neuritis)
- stiffness, soreness, spasticity in various muscles (shoulders, neck, legs, etc)
- Tingling in the fingers hands arms legs feet
- L'Hermitte's sign (shock feeling from your neck to your toes when u bend your head forward)