I feel so hopeless and need answers.
(I am 35 years old. Mommy of 2 children, one 12 years old and the other 2 years old)
It started 3 years ago, feeling numb in my left face and arm and blurred vision in left eye. I went to see a neurosurgeon and went for MRI. it came up normal and then was told it might have been a mild stroke. Since then the numbness never went away.
3 Months ago it became worse and my vision started to get more blurrier and my eye twitch and then my left leg also became numb. I went to see my doctor and he said my BP was very good and no problem with my heart either. he sent me for blood tests and also put me on Vitamin B12. Blood tests were normal!
So I went back to another Neurosurgeon. After another MRI, which was clear again, no hope. He didn't do any other test and didn't even do a physical exam. He says it could be because I had a viral infection or because of stress! No proof!!! Last Sunday my right eye started to blurr and twitch and my fingers and toes became numb. I feel so hopeless. I left the docs appointment in tears! I just want answers. I did ask if he could do other tests but he said no. Do I really need to go for a third opinion? I'm seeing a eye specialist on Monday to see if they cant help me with that. I've never worn glasses before and have always been healthy.
I have lower back pain also and I am also very tired. I muddle my words and have pauses or forget what I wanted to say.