Well- After my terrible times starting past November---with full body myoclonus- I' re-evaluating things- now going on 4 months---
OK---right now...HOPING ...I do not have MS-
To start from day one---I'm a 63 yr old male
In the beginning---strange myoclonic jerks in my back....& neck----
Went to my neurologist ('movement disorders') and his colleague--specializing in "epilepsy-
They both gave me a thorough neuro( Hand to nose.....pull my hands....push---etc)--I could go over this in my sleep----had various tests.
--.MRI cervical spine-Normal...(except for some minor arthritis)-
-EMG--normal...blood test for thyroid--normal...
.EEG....(both regular and 24 hr)--both normal-
-then,,,,last week...MRI of brain...normal--
My neuros both said..I had "idiopathic positional myoclonus"...(Symptoms...esp. myoclonus....worse when I lie down)-----Said..it was not serious.....would resolve......they could not say when-
Last 3 weeks....symptoms have changed,.....myoclonus.....not as bad--BUT----mild cramping of muscles....in biceps.....calves....thighs,,....AND parathesias.....to arms...hands....feet--"pins and needles"--
Two weeks ag was in ER----a neuro "fellow"...thank God....was on the floor..(studying under my neuro)----my entire left hand...felt like a 'pin cushion'.....numb.....By the time I got to ER......it was gone.....but neuro examined me...& stuck pin in....to see if there was 'residual numbness'-
He said it was due to a 'nerve'...in my neck.....(since he saw my MRI cervical....& there was some "arthritis,.....in C-5-6.....")---
Anyway----told my neuro of "changes"...in my symptoms! He said...I should NOT be concerned......neuro symptoms often change...& indeed...it might be a sign of "resolving"-
OK---last week or so--myoclonus...has improved--BUT.......constant "tonic"...cramps...in biceps......legs......& tingly feelings there too---
My rib cage muscles feel very..."sore"...like I worked out---he said it was due to the myoclonus..(muscles being contracted so much)---also---sometimes..right before going off to sleep...I feel like an mild-"electric shock"...in my head--- BUT--I am worried I may have MS
My neuro here,....(and a friend who has MS)---said I do NOT have MS......
Neuro said....just about ALL MS....patients...show "white lesions"...in Brain MRI....-
(I read where this is so in...95% of cases---i might be in...the other 5%)
I do NOT want a spinal--(neither does my neuro)---
OK......any MS sufferers out there---feel..(like both my neuros....& my Nurse practionier)---that I do NOT---BUT....what about...
1) the muscle cramps...(there is NO weakness)---
2) the parathesia
3) sore rib cage muscles...
4) the "electric zaps"...(ALWAYS before sleep...w eyes closed)--(I "caught"...these when I had my 24 hr EEG on...it said.."No change in EEG"...I sometimes...think it's bio-chemical...like a serotonin....thing)--
My neuros.......suggest I talk w a 'cognitive therapist'....for my anxiety.....& .."hypochondria"-
I do have an appt w a therapist.....who specializes......in cognitive therapy....and OCD-
Also--I;m gonna try acupunture---
PLEASE---I need some of you out there.....who DO have MS.....or KNOW about this disease.....to tell me why my neuros are correct---!
Worrying..is such a ...."hassle"-! Thanks so much---your answers are a Godsend to me- -Regards--Robert