...I did my usual injection of Betaseron last night....I've been doing this for 12 years now, I figured out.. went off to sleep as I usually do..
But "usually" means I sleep for 4 hours, wake for a bathroom break, roll back into bed, and sleep til morning.
But not LAST night! Woke up at 3 a.m. with fever, chills, massive headache, body aches, whole nine yards. All I could do to stumble outta bed, into my wheelchair, and into the bathroom, where I popped several ibuprofen, rolled back into bed. Was feverish and ill all night. Feeling a bit better this morning, but headache just will NOT give up.
And here's the dilemma: Is it "just" a weird reaction to the Beta? (After all these years I rarely experience any side effects, but these were pretty typical for them..) Or is it the beginning of the cold/virus/"bad bug" that my husband has been nursing for the last 2 weeks, and now it's MY turn!
I TOLD him he didn't have to share!! Anyway. I'm feeling really punky. Can't decide if I should just "throw in the towel" and head back to bed, or..... I think the bed's gonna win this round....