Wow........a bit overwhelming. Feel like I caught a Brick with my face.
I found out that they all moved in within months of myself, 22 years ago.
We all had different backgrounds, some in the Armed Forces, some
lived in this state all their lives, some moved from other states. I just don't
see anything similar except this neighborhood.
I know these guys, coached their children over the years, now one has
moved because he had more stairs than I do, and thought it would
be a good idea to get a level playing field. One I didn't even know he
had MS, died a few months ago....suddenly. I went to the funeral never
knowing how he passed away, and his widow and son moved 3 weeks ago.
And the other, was DX'd within a month of myself, with his journey
to find out what was causing his "tingling", starting within weeks of when
my ON first started and my symptoms excelerated.
Unfortunately, the people in my neighborhood are scarred silly now. Clusters
have never been proved and I think this is just a strange, warped coincidence.
But you never know I guess.
Thank you for all your thoughts and input. That's what makes this such a great
support tool.