The Lumps I'm describing have been in the last 2 years also.
I haven't been labelled as a hypochandriac, but every time I go to the hospital (Its hard to get in to see my doctor, takes months) I tend to feel like they are blowing me off.
Last time I went in, I gave them a list of symptoms I was having, because I find I don't give enough details when I actually talk to a doctor. Anyway, I was having an annoying chest pain and flank pain, my lower back where the lumps I think are causing swelling/pain.. From what my doctor said, without looking into it much, "Those are Lipomas (Fatty benign)" because I recently lost quite a bit of weight. about 50-60 pounds, I was 230Ibs now 180Ibs. They didn't do any checking beyond a couple pokes of a finger. Its quite likely that they are nothing, but with the flank pain that I'm getting now, along with strange tingling sensations around my sides, its starting to worry me. I also am getting chest pain, seems to be relieved with Advil(Ibuprofen) so I'm thinking some sort of skeletal or muscular pain in the chest... as I have had multiple tests for the heart. Ultrasound, EKG x 2, Tons of blood work. So far, all negative. I'm apparently not diabetic.. My doctor believed my symptoms were diabetic related at first, but now what the heck?
Anyway, I tend to wait a very long time to get my health looked after, as I keep brushing off what is wrong with me, and I hope its nothing, but it keeps coming back, worse and worse.
I am afraid I guess of finding out its something extremely serious, but I just want to be healthy.. (Alas the reason I lost 50 pounds and eat a "PERFECT" diet and try to exercise as much as I can)
They haven't looked at my Brain... and they have not done any tests related to looking at other abdominal organs or anything. Only the heart, and poking tests, Blood work, Urine etc.
The weirdest thing that happened to me, was about 2 weeks ago, for the last month I've felt very horrible, but for one day for about 3 hours I felt absolutely amazing.. Like I felt when I was 18 years old and in great shape.. I'm 26 btw, I thought that at that point I was suddenly better and everything was gone. Then alas, the next day.. I was horrible yet again.
Recently, the most common problems I'm having are : Sexual dysfunction, Irritability, Mood swings, Pain in sides, Chest pain, Chest pain under rib, Darker Urine, slight burning while urinating.
However, I was recently checked for STD's and any Urinary Tract Infections, and they didn't find anything.
I'm just trying to figure out if I should run to the hospital, and plead with them to test my other organs, or just sit here and wait another 3 weeks for my family doctor.