Hi to everyone here at this website. My name is Nikki and I am a 24 yr old active, fit female in Tennessee that is about
to lose her mind if I dont get an answer to what is happening to me! I'm sorry if this post is long, but I have to give the whole picture.
It started two days before Halloween of 2005 with a horrible attack that landed me in the emergency room with what the doctors called a TIA (transient ischemic attack) and had no idea why. The first off my syptoms was that I noticed I couldnt read the news ticker at the bottom of CNN before dinner even though I could see there was a picture there. I then accused my boyfriend of moving my hamburger from in front of me... but it was there, I just couldnt see it! I could see the counter, but it was like pieces of my vision were gone (not spotty like looking into a bright light), just gone!
After that, I drove to work (I was a server at a local bar/pub) and by the time I got there 10 min. later, I could barely walk. Then the numbness in my right arm started, from the shoulder down. Not tingly, just absolutely no feeling. Then my voice went, it was like getting a novicain shot from the dentist, just under my jaw and my tongue. I managed to get my b/f down there to take me to the hospital. By then my vision was returning, the numbness was going away, but then the pain in my eyes started. Horrible horrible pain. I suffered a few migraines back when I was 16 from too strong of birth control pills, but this one was different... they shot me up with who knows what to knock me out (I recieved very little info from the docs).
While I was there at the hospital, I underwent CAT scans, MRI, MRA, TEE, numerous EKG's, and lots of blood work. The only adnormalities were several lesions, spots on my CAT scan. From there, I had three more similar attacks in that one week, only one being as severe as the first, landing me in the emergency room again, yet this time, the pain wasnt quite as bad. In a course of a month, I had a total of 8 attacks, the symptoms gradually lessening. I changed jobs to get out of the smoky air and less stress. I have been eating better and more regularly, sleeping more, trying to stay as active as I can, yet I still dont feel as good as I did before the attacks. I get very lightheaded easily and I feel SO tired all the time no matter how much sleep I get. I talked to my family and friends about it, yet they look at me like I am just trying to find something wrong. I have seen a total of five different specialists and none of them seemed interested in finding out what was wrong with me. The only thing they ruled out was that it wasnt a patent formen ovale (hole in heart). They just turned me away to "find another specialist". Please if anyone has any advice as to how to proceed, let me know! I cant deal with this everyday wondering when another attack is going to happen and whats causing it. And to everyone that has gone through this, my heart goes out to you. Thank you again.
Nikki B.