dazed and cunfused said...
I started itchin in the palms of my hands in January. A month later, the vision in my right eye starts to go dark. I get an MRi thst day and am told to go to Freodert Medical College. Tlle the MRI films there, sit with the optical neurologist and find out it is optical neuritis, He decides it is Sarcoidosis that I have and schedules a LP, chest xray, and a gallium scan. gets the results and tells me the protien was hi in my spinal fluid. but the xray and gallium scan are both clear, Decided to biopsy my tear duct, it also came back negative fro sarcoidosis. I have palms that itch,from under the skin, feeling like pins, the arches of my feet do the same thing, my good eye now has flashes lights. I feel very tired all the time. My pinkiefinger on down to my wrist goes numb, next day the other hand does it. I have noticed my words do not come out at all like the way I am trying to say something.
Could this be MS or should I buy the Sarcoidosis story
I'm also confused -- you asked "should I buy the sarcoidosis story" -- when in fact your tests are coming back "negative" for sarcoidosis: "...the protein was high in my spinal fluid, but the xray and gallium scan are both clear, Decided to biopsy my tear duct, it also came back negative fro sarcoidosis".
"Negative" test results suggest that you don't have scarcoidosis, but in fact something else. If I were you, I'd be back to the neuro, reminding him of the optic neuritis (which sometimes can be a precursor to MS), remind him that tests for sarcoidosis are negative, and proceed from there.
"Could this be MS"? Possibly. But you won't know until the neuro sees the "negative for scarcoidosis" test results, looks again at the MRI, and decides whether to continue testing for other conditions, or tell you where next to proceed.