Hi everyone. Please tell me if this sounds odd to any of you. (I do have MS)
I am getting these throbs in my left upper arm, side of my stomach, and in my back. Now, you can see these throbs and the only part that bothers me is the back, as it throws a spasm up that does hurt. I am on Lyrica, Zanaflex, Bacofen and (Valume - as needed for my tremors). I am on a low dosage of all the above.
Also, this may sound odd, but I have increased muscle tone in my upper body. You would actually think I worked out daily and could quite possible win a amateur body-building contest, I swear! lol. I know it can be common in MSers, but this much?? I do not work out, and limit my activities as my stamina, etc... are not good at all. Anyone??? Thanks, and hope you all are doing well :)