Hi everyone,
I haven't posted much lately due to being so busy during the holidays, but mainly because my hands are bothering me a lot.
I'm not sure if this is carpal tunnel syndrome or from the WETHTI (WhatEver The Heck This Is) syndrome, but it's getting worse. (I haven't been diagnosed with MS yet.)
I've had what I've suspected to be carpal tunnel syndrome for several years, though the tests only show mild to moderate problems and the results are usually atypical for CTS.
In September, my symptoms got dramatically worse, especially in my left hand. Now, I'm having the same problem in both hands. My hands go numb and are very stiff and very painful. (I didn't know you could have numbness and pain at the same time, but it can be done!) The numbness stays for sometimes hours at a time, will go away for a short while, but then comes right back. This makes it difficult to do anything with my hands at all, especially typing. I wear a wrist brace at night on my left hand, which helps a bit, but not much.
Also, my middle finger on my right hand feels like there is a band around the base of it and it is very stiff as well.
The thing is, with CTS, usually only the thumb and fingers to half of the ring finger are affected, but this affects all fingers and my hand as well.
I have an EMG scheduled for next week. Do you think that will show if this is CST or something else? Has anyone had problems like these?