JOD said...
So this is the story so far...
I'm a 29 year old female, healthy, active and fit. I've had Type 1 Diabetes for about 13 years. I've struggled with it, delt with it (long and complicated story), and am currently doing well with it on an insulin pump (the new and more advanced way to adminster insulin 24/7). I'm also an xray tech working in a hospital/outpatient imaging center and they just got a new MRI machine installed. So they needed guinny pigs to get the thing up and running and things squared away so they can begin doing patients. So I volunteered and we decided to scan my brain. It showed a lesion. The radiologists took a look at it (out of kindness since it's not an official MRI with dr.s order) and with a worried look on their faces, suggested that I go see my Dr. and get an official MRI with Gad. So what they've said and I've come to find out is it looks a lot like a lesion suggesting possible MS (not an official reading, just this MRI and nothing else so far. This all happened only last Friday). I've had no symptoms at all whatsoever. Looks like we've just come across this totally by chance. I saw my Dr. yesterday and she's going to refer my to a neurologist. Of corse I've done some research on my own and things aren't looking good. Since I allready have an autoimmune disease I grouped them together and did some searching. I've found out that phisiologically (sp?) they are very similar and that often thay can go together. Like I'm 2-5 times more likely to get MS than the general non-diabetic population.
I'm not diagnosing myself, since I know that I'll have to endure more extensive testing, but I'm totally freaked out and wondering what you all might think. I'm tired and worn out of medical things. I broke my C1 last year (mountain biking) and wore a halo for 4.5 months with a total recovery time of more then 6 months. I just got married and am ready to get on with my life. I'd like to have kids and a normal life, but this just sucks if I'll have to deal with another huge medical blow. I'm not sure what to think, feel, do. Any advice would be great.
First of all, take a DEEP breathe. You're a LONG way away from any sort of diagnosis of MS.
Was it a *radiologist* who looked at your MRI, or a technician? You need to know that two (or more) highly trained people, looking at any one MRI, can (and often do) come up with different theories about what they're seeing there, sometimes.
If you've had NO symptoms at all whatsoever -- the spot on the MRI COULD be a lesion indicating MS. Or it could simply be "a spot" -- there's even a name for that -- UBO -- unidentified bright object.
Also -- LOTS of things can cause spots on an MRI -- including migraine headaches, brain injuries (you broke your C1 mountain biking...did you by chance also hit your head, somewhere in the crash? Those kinds of injuries can cause "spots" on an MRI), past infections -- a whole host of things. And folks have gone through their whole lives with "spots" appearing on an MRI and they didn't know they were there, you..had an MRI for some unrelated reason, and there they were. But they never caused any problems, didn't lead to any disability. Simply were there.
I wouldn't at this stage worry about finding an MS specialist. Just go to your regular neurologist as referred by your doctor, and go from there. Wait for his interpretation, and then decide what to do next. With any luck -- after he's taken your medical history (already have an autoimmune disease; the injury, etc.) -- he'll decide it's nothing to be concerned about, and send you on your way.
Let us know what happens after that visit, OK?