Hi there,
this is my first time on any site like this....not really sure what I'm doing!
I have not been diagnosed with MS, but the neurologist has said that "if he was a betting man, then he would certainly put his money on it being MS".
I have had a negative MRI...it showed only one lesion, and my lumbar puncture was clear too.
I am waiting for my evoked potentials tests.
October last year I started to get weird sensations in my arms and legs....tingling, hot/cold etc. Then got "fuzzy" eyes and weakness in limbs. Also had some serious pain in one arm....kinda like tooth ache, felt too weak to move it. This is what started the testing process.
Once they started asking about my history I connected bladder issues from about ten years ago.....needing to go a million times a day. Had heaps of tests etc back then, but I think the general conclusion was that it was all in my head! It has continued, but not so severe....so living with it fine.
Now I'm at a "wait and see what happens stage". Feeling major fatigue in the afternoons, and toothache in my limbs???? Comes and goes. Some days panadol takes the edge off, but usually it does nothing.
I have difficulty with grip...I.e. brushing teeth, shaving legs, opening bottles etc.
Because none of my symptoms are visable to others and I don't have a diagnosis, I think my friends and family think I'm being a hypochondriac! Would love to hear from others in the same situation.