Hi Everyone, I am new to the forum. I haven't been dx w/MS yet. I went to the Neuro on Monday. I have been having problems for about 10 months now. It started with being really fatigued, not focusing well, memory loss, hard to concentrate. I honestly have been blowing it off as anxiety. Then, I lost the use of my right foot, and toes. I was dx w/foot drop. I was given PT and a brace(AFO) to wear to keep from dragging it.
Three weeks ago I lost the use of my right lg altogether. I have total paralysis. I have massive pain in the leg. I went to the ER, and had a CT scan. No Stroke, which was good. The ER dr. told me to ask my gp to refer me to a neuro. dr. He did, and I went Monday. He examined me, and when he did the light test...he said my eyes didn't respond to the the test, and by the symptoms I was having it was possible I had MS. I was like....huh? So, I had bloodwork done today...8 viles(glad thats over), and an Arterial Dopplar done as well. Tomorrow I have an MRI of the brain w/contrast. I am really nervous, and the week seems to be dragging. I am hoping for the best when I go back for the results on Monday. He did tell me that if it isn't MS, he will keep searching until he finds out what is causing the problem. Any thoughts from anyone would be most appreciated!!! Thanks!