I started off on the lowest dose- 25 mg, once a day. This was maybe back in October? I was on it for a couple of months before she wanted to bump it up to 50 mg, since it was actually working. However, I got sick the day after I went up to 50 mg, and the reaction to it was nuts. I went back down to 25mg and stayed there.. been ok with it til recently, when it just hasn't been doing enough for me. I'm prescribed for 50mg a day, though. (I take it at night before bed, and it helps me knock out. LOL But I don't like the occasional pins and needles in my hands and feet it gives me. Oh.. and the weight I've lost..
I went into the regular doctor (after years of not having seen one, because frankly, I grew tired of people testing me,and then shaking their heads and sending me home). (Before doing any of the lab work- which was not a lot, btw)..she saw me, said I had "neuropathy", and put me on Neurontin. Well, there's lots of kinds of neuropathy.
And the Neurontin didn't do anything. I was on it over a month, and I felt nothing from it aside from REALLY tired. That's when she sent me to the Neuro. I'm getting beyond frustrated here.