I can sooo relate...I have a sticky note on my bathroom mirror that says "Take meds". and in front of me right now are 9 sticky notes with various reminders. Don't feel alone. I also have a pain on the left side of my back right at my bottom rib line for over a year. I have been seen by the AK spine institute for various steroid injections, and even a radiofrequency ablation (which was supposed to burn and kill the nerves there) with no help. I live with ice packs all the time as that is the only thing that helps. This summer I spent time out on the boat salmon fishing with my ice packs! (But I still went fishing!) I have had rib xrays, spine xrays, MRI's, bone scans, etc with no explanation for the pain. I have days of brain fog and multiple other symptoms. I also have pain on the front right side of my ribs and side which for years I assumed was gallbladder related and I would have to eventually have removed. But tests show that my gallbladder is perfect. So still don't know why the pain. Multiple other symptoms, but won't go into all of them.
Here's your laugh for the day...my step-mother (who lives in Louisiana) is convinced all my symptoms are caused by an "Alaska disease" and I just need to find an Alaska shaman or medicine man to cure me! That's it, Alaska is causing all of this...we just need to move "outside". haha!
Hope you are feeling better...my husband can relate to what your wife has to deal with I'm sure. Good days, bad days...you just never know....just curious, who is your primary doc...don't have to put a name...just initials. I know all the docs. Internal med, general? I see a general, internal med, neuro, chiropractor, accupuncturist, podiatry, and doc at spine institute. All except neuro and spine are in soldotna.