Thank you! All of that information helped a lot, and I certainly will be off to see the neurologist.
I just have one more question about having my optic nerve checked - how do they do that? I have been to see the optho guy recently, I have been to opthos before for other normal eye exams and unfortunately the optho guy from my health group has stone-age technology for everything. Little piece of paper with lines on it to check and see if your vision is showing crooked lines...based on "do the lines look crooked?" and you answering yes or no, reading the eye chart, and using the eye drops to dialate the pupils and then looking in the eye with some sort of hand-held light gizmo on a stick. That's it!! Even Lenscrafters had more advanced screening equipment! LOL.
Anyways the optho said I have something wrong with my pupils where they're always dialated really large and gave me some eye drops. He said there is nothing else to do since my pupils react to having bright lights shined on them. Granted, no other optho had bothered to care about that, or mention it, perhaps they thought I was using illegal drugs, but I am not sure he did anything that can check for optic nerve problems and the eye drops he gave me only help with my extreme light sensitivity and dancing white spots I see from being in brightly lit areas. I sure would like to get my optic nerve checked but I don't know what to tell him to use, or even if he would possess equipment to do that.
I certainly didn't mean to make light of all the unfortunate effects of MS, but I seriously do get excited about figuring out what is causing a lot of the problems I have. Even if it means I have another incurable disease with bad side effects. I already have 3 other autoimmune disorders (Crohn's, asthma, eczema) so it's not entirely far-fetched to guess that I could possibly also have MS from my malfunctioning immune system. I just like knowing what's wrong with me so I can try to anticipate any problems that may develop, and especially so that I do not take any medicines or treatments for one condition that might make one of my other conditions worse.
I have all sorts of twitching/spasming muscle problems all over my upper body, occasional speech difficulties with stuttering or saying the wrong word and not noticing, lots of vision problems, positional vertigo, bouts of intense pain in quarter-sized areas that mysteriously come and go, and a few weeks ago I started having the fun experience of random bladder control problems too that are also confounding to the doctor. Yay, right? Anyways hopefully the neurologist will have some ideas and hopefully I can get my optic nerve looked at too. Thank you again