Hi Dana,
It really does sound like you need to notify your doc about what’s going on, if for no other reason than to have this noted in your records. Since you’ve also started having vision probs again and Rhonda relates this to her ON, maybe the two are connected for you as well.
When I first got sick, along with my vertigo I had many episodes of really dramatic downward tilting and tipping to the left, as well as probs with figuring out where the left side of my head was (banged the phone into my face trying to answer it, etc). I also ran into walls on that side. I don’t have an MS dx, but these symptoms have been attributed to a lesion in my cerebellum (part of the brain that deals with balance, among other things). I haven’t a clue if this is similar to what you are dealing with, but thought I’d share it just in case.
Hang in there…if what you are experiencing is anything like what happened to me, I know it is quite an unsettling sensation. Please do call your doc, and let us know how you make out.