I have chronic daily migraine,high level.For the past couple of months I've been waking up trembling.It's gotten really bad.I am always in a high level of migraine pain.I of course wake up with it. When I wake up,my trembling is my mouth,like chattering when you're cold,but I'm not cold.Now,I notice it's bad in my hands and arms,not as bad as my mouth. I took a short nap late this afternoon and it happened.I am on klonopin,twice a day,2 mg a day,propanol,effexor 75mg,which I've got an appt to talk about
getting off effexor. I get scared because my sister has MS and Parkinson's.When she first got diagnosed ms,she told them the tremors were worse than just ms,they didn't listen,later they diagnosed her w/parkinson's. I go to a good clinic,I don't have insurance,but the clinic is good.What should I do,what should I ask. I've been having times where when I'm talking,it's like I go on pause.I just stop,I may pick up where I left off or I may not.And sometimes when people talk to me,I just look at them and it's like I don't hear them. I've noticed my heart skipping beats.That's what I take for the propanol for and had to double the dose because it was happening more.
I also have facial pain,throbbing many days.
My great aunt had parkinson's.
Any suggestions