I'm new to the forum but not new to M.S.
I was dxg in Feb 2003. Did beta seron for 2 years
but side effects were nearly worse than the
m.s. I felt like I was loosing confidence in it and I think
that is possibly half the battle. My doctor put me on
copaxone and it was great. I felt alot more human. I was
for approx 2.5 years. It was summer and I had a very physical outdoor job (stupid I know but was still in denial
that this was going to change my life) "God said. Ha"
I suddenly felt like I had been hit by a truck. All symptoms at the same time. Double vision, no balance,
slurred speech, my skin hurt all over. I think my hair even hurt. Did the IV steroids. Then I just became a monster with the same symptoms and a temper from HELL.
I considered myself to feel about 3 beers in all the time and I only weighed 110 lbs. So that was rather drunk feeling. I got the bonus of the hangover at the same time.
I've been on Rebif since 03 but it is an interferon
too so side effects still suck really hard.
I just saw this month that on the rebif box it says that an interferon beta one -1a is produced by ********Chinese Hamster ovary cell*********
No wonder it makes us feel bad. Maybe we are turning into hamsters. I now have the cheeks for it.
Anyway, I'm afraid to quit because the relapses are so much worse than the side effects.
Hang in there and do what ever you feel confident about. The chemicals do their thing but the rest is up to us, and our attitude
May God Bless you during your time of struggle.