In my haste to learn all I could... I got a book on the MS Diet Cure or somesuch name like that... I'm all in favor of dietary control as that's how I managed my son hyperactivity when he was a child and it worked wonderfully instead of Ritalin. Today he's a fine young man who still has to manage his diet a little but fully understands his metabolism a whole lot better for it because of those days... but when I read thru the book, I just couldn't buy it all. It spent as much time slamming the conventional method as it did explaining the diet ... and then I figured I'll just look into the supplements and go from there.
So I couldn't buy the whole diet cure deal... if it was that easy I think it would be skyrocketing thru the news and MS would be on the curing end instead of so many just dealing with it. But with that said I do believe we can learn to take supplements that will improve certain condition or symptoms due to the MS. And that's where I'm going... like adding evening primrose oil, the Omega 3 complex, and possibly Vitamin D. Those are 3 I haven't tackled yet, but plan to incorporate soon... then I'll see how I feel. If it doesn't seem to make a difference I'll drop the expense. But it's always worth a try for at least 6months to a year... I learned that with my knees and the osteoarthritis!
Catch y'all later tonight...