Hello, I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago at the age of 57. My Neurologist told me that he suspects that I had MS for a lot longer but he couldn't say when. In 2003 I was hospitalized with a fever of 105 degrees that lasted 3 three days and they could never find out why my fever was so high. My Neurologist thinks that it may have been the start of my MS but no one knows for sure. I saw about
5 doctors during the Fall of 2004 and of course they all thought I was nuts, and it wasn't until I actually saw a young doctor in my hometown (it was the first time I saw him) and he became concerned and actually talked to me about
my problem and he sent me to my Neurologist that I am now seeing and my Neuro is the one who sent me for an MRI and diagnosed me with MS. So you are not alone young lady,
there are plenty of us here to give you support! Hope you have a Very Safe and Happy New Year my New Friend! Take care.