Hi there...I have not been on for a few weeks, daughter got married, and stuff like that.....neck issues....oh yes, infact, this is the area where I am affected the most. very tight neck muscles, joint problems in the back of the neck, a burning sensations often until I massage my neck my self, or go to a physio therapist. It extends now to my shoulders and into my shoulder blades.
During the later part of March, the muscles on the front side of my neck became a real problem. The muscle on the bottom front of my neck just above the collar bone began to swell, to the point it was at times very hard to swollow, as it had swollen so much that it was pushing against the wind pipe. It was very painful as well. I ended up taking otc muscle relaxants, and recieved almost immediate relief. I took them for about 4 days, and noted that the swelling went down, the pain subsided, and things went back to normal.
I find that when my neck muscles at the back of my neck get really bad, it causes me to fee light headed, etc, my neck joints crack when I turn my head, and I get bad headaches, along with that burning feeling in the back of my neck.
Yes I do get the tingly fingers, and my vision from time to time goes a bit wanky, but my biggest complaint is my neck, and fatigue.....
I take ativan, part of the benz family of drugs that helps alot with the spasticity imn my neck, and also calms me down too! I never did have uptight, anxious feeling before all of this, I wonder if I do infact have problems controlling some of my emotions due to the location of a lesion????
So yes, it does sound like a symptom to me....