Hey Gooster, here's the website (
http://www.hylands.com/products/legcramps.php) for the natural product I use with quinine.. my neuro was quite surprised I could still get this but says I can't tell how much quinine is in it, and that's true but nonetheless whatever they're doing, it helps. And it's natural and it's not interfering with my other meds so I'm good with it. He is too ... amazed but ok with it. Still for the really bad nights he prescribes Mirapex for me, better than Requip I think since it's less harsh on the liver... if you're prone to liver issues.
I also use Hylands Calms Forte for night time sleeping help... it's a natural anxiety sleep helper we used at the Detox Center I worked at as a Tech Supervisor. When you're detoxing drug addicts you find every possible natural way to help them cope and this was a good one... it also works daily for anxiety if need be.
I admire the health care your way for sure but my patience would wear thin too though, depending on your doc, sometimes I've got long waits too... my neuro is one of the highest in demand in our city so my appts usually get scheduled and end up a month or two out... but he's worth it. So I wait. Fortunately for me I'm a "mild but annoying case" ... :)
I would suggest the journaling of the symptoms/events. It takes all the info together for the doc to come to a conclusion. It wasn't until my ON set in that my dx was clinched and when I asked why... he said, you've just got it all now! (multiple numb spots all over, spasticity, tremors, eye tics, swallowing, headaches, GI tract/urinary, and then the ON) but none of it debilitates me to nonfunctionalness... it's just such a nuisance to cope and deal. That's where I wear thin til I remember those worst off than me.