Hi everyone. Here is my story. I recently lost the ability to void and have to self catherizize everyday. The suspicion for MS came to my neuro's mind and he ordered an MRI of brain and entire spince. A questioable plaque showed up in the left white matter of my brain. I had a spinal tap while I was admitted to the hospital.
Unfortuantley, my neuro went to India for the month and I got the results from my primary. I have a negative result on the oligo bands and Igg but have an elevated Myelin Band Protein. I have other symptoms of MS which include numbness and tingling of feet along with pain in the legs and concentration problems. Does this elevated protein in the absense of the other two mean that I could possibly have MS?It does run in my family and again, my bladder has not worked since 6/19/08. Any prompt help would be appreciated and God bless.