I normally post on the Fibro forum and am new to the MS forum. I am looking for information and support. I was diagnosed with fibro some time ago and put on Lyrica. I started to get that tingle in the left side of my face so they took me off the Lyrica. When the tingle didn't go away, I was referred to the Neuro. I had a good exam so they did an EMG and Ultrasound of the carotids. All good. The doctor said to ease his mind and mine he ordered an MRI of the head. The results came back with 2 spots looking suspicious for demylenation but nothing clear cut. I had a lumbar puncture a week ago Thursday along with a trip to the hospital for the spinal headache and blood patch fix. I now have to wait until Sept 18th for the results. Here is my question....my tingle has moved to being in my mouth, on my tongue and lips sometimes. This is very scary and gets worse when I am stressed out about
it. I know this can be part of MS? Could it be something else? If I have MS and start the meds, will this go away? I am hoping taking the meds makes the symptoms go in remission. It has gone away for a period of time but returns. I have never had this before 2 months ago. Hopefully someone can tell me something positive. I am feeling very stressed at this point.