Hi all,
I know it has been a long time. I have been lurking, and following with the neurologist and rheumatologist. Still frustrated. They haven't given up on me, so that keeps me trucking along. On November 18th I am scheduled for a nerve biopsy as my next test. In doing my research I learned they can find damage to the myelin sheath this way. So I assume that it will rule in or out MS. My inflammation rate is through the roof and I'm tired of being in pain. If it is proven to be lupus the rheumotologist said we will have to try chemo drugs that will make me immunosuppressed and lose my hair, so thankfully she wants a definite diagnosis before we go that way. I was just wondering if anyone here has experienced a nerve biopsy that would share advise. I know it will be about 5 inch incision on back of my calf, stitches for two weeks, and permanent numbness in that area. Oh yeah.
On a happier note the girls and I moved into our new house on October 10th and finally have the new start I've been waiting for since the divorce. I have many boxes still to unpack, but the majority of what we need is out, now I get to shop for pictures and the other fun things that will make it a home. The paint colors all turned out great and I got new furniture for the kitchen and living room.
Hope everyone else is doing well.