I am new to this site, but not really new to MS. Back in 2002, I was diagnosed after a lot of normal tests, with benign MS. I recooperated and had no more real problems until just lately. In fact I was doing so well I just assumed that the doctors were wrong and i really did not have MS. This time it started with severe dry eyes and that led to a diagnosis of sjogren's,, so they tested me for RA and lupus and said I had neither of them. I continued to physically get worse. My body is in pain and my legs, especially my ankles have become very stiff,, it actually started in my ankles and has now worked up my legs. my back is stiff also. Now,, I have since moved and my neurologist, who i loved, is no longer in practice. Earlier this year I had had some serious problems with memory loss, so bad I had loss a period of time and was tested for stroke, or a seizure disorder,, they both came back negative. the MRI showed a lesion but was told by these neuro docs that it was nothing to be concerned about. At that time i did not tell them that I had been diagnosed with benign MS several years ago. Although, in the back of my mine I knew what it was. So now here I am 8 years later,with another exacerbation and the only one that knows I have MS is my husband, parents and best friend. I keep assuring my parents,, it is not related to the MS and that I still am not sure I have it. My MS was diagnosed by a PET scan and a special spinal tap test. The normal tests always showed nothing. Besides the stiffness , it feels like I have a big tight wrap around my feet and it feels like it is cutting off my circulation. When I get up first thing in the morning, it feels like the bottom of my foot is swollen but it isnt. wierd sensation. Man I thought I beat this monster... why did it have to show up again ,, only to cause havoc in my life.