Hi- I thought maybe some of you could help me with some information. I got diagnosed with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and Fibromyalgia a year ago but my doctor thinks I have MS. I take (Plaquenil) for my MCTD and muscle relaxers for the Fibro. I had a EMG test done a year ago that showed Neuropathy. I am not diabetic. I have Hypothyroid and had a parathyroid tumor out 2 years ago. My recent symptoms are that I keep falling for no apparent reason. I bump into things, drop things and forget what I am even saying in the middle of a sentence. I did have an MRI of the brain (haven't gotten results yet) and I had a Somatosensory evoked potential done. That was really painful for me. I barely felt the tingling in my foot but the pulsing in my ankle was almost unbearable. My entire foot twitched during the procedure but I guess that is normal. I have had "episodes" of falling. I have no idea when it is coming it just hits me. Just the other day I was standing and boom my leg gives out and I fell (very embarrassing). I do have an upcoming appt with my Neurologist but was wondering if this sounds like MS or just the Neuropathy. I have no family history of MS.
Thanks for any info you can give me :)