Hi Everyone
I'm sure you have all already been able to guess that this was coming. I've been very amiss from the MS forum for so long. I began a new job some months ago and have been entirely busy with that. I had already left most or all of the responsibilities to Gretchen, but now that she is gone as mod and I'm not able to be here, the door needs to be
opened to another mod who will be here more frequently and give more attention to the real needs of our members.
It is truely with sadness that I type this post. In my worst time of physical and emotional need, this forum has been where I came. It, my friends here, has given me much and I could never say thank you enuf. I do hope you'll all continue on in ever improving health and wellness. I will pop back in from time to time, but given that I have been able to move past this question of MS, I will not continue to be a regular member. Thanks so very much for all your help and kindness over the nearly three years since I came here first. If u, or anyone u know, would like to step up to mod, please email admin and let them know. Thanks!