hello all,
we are on the search to find out of my fiances lyme is MS, or if it was ever, or maybe was always.
its such a sticky battle back and forth.
last october he developed optic neuritis in his left eye, thankfully though, we took care of it and with steriods eventually got his sight back..
two days ago he started to complain that the top of his left leg was numb, not painfull, but could not feel his the touch of his hands as well as the side or even the other leg.
hes been putting off getting his other MRI. lets face it, this is a scary thing, im scared for him, hes scared for him, you never want to be sick...but is it a symptom?
do we begin taking precautions and treating for MS? how do you really ever know if you have it or if its Lyme or MS, maybe both...its just so confusing, and im struggling to find the best answers i can for him..
he is on Lexapro, and for the past few days has doubled his dose, i wonder if that could cause the numbness in his legs, but the back of my mind tells me its time to back to the MS doctor and get this follow up MRI becuase its been a year since hes had one...
other than all of this he feels great, if theres no lesions, is there no MS?
sorry for babbling, im just trying to seperate this all out in my head still