I have been browsing this site for a couple of weeks now and decided to join. I am undiagnosed at this time. This all started four months ago with horrific vomiting and headache, then within 10 days of hospitalization and numerous seizures, I was discharged to rehab to work on my ability to walk, tremors and seizures. I am a healthy 38 yr old woman. I have never had any major illness and have never been on any meds. During hospitalization, I had EEG's- normal, MRI and MRA of brain- normal, and CT-normal, Lumbar Puncture-normal......Was told upon discharge that I have non-epileptic seizures and possible conversion disorder. They put me on Keppra (anti-seizure med) and Celexa (anxiety). Started seeing a psychologist and he's determined i do not have conversion disorder and that something neurological must be going on.Although, I've gained strength, my right leg has constant spasms and I walk with a stagger, I have pain and tingling in most of my extremeties and blurred vision at times. PT has helped tremendously with my coordination and balance. Going to Mayo in a month as my GP is dumbfounded as to what's caused all of this. Has anyone with MS had a sudden onset of symptoms like this? Looking forward to hearing from you all.