Hi there, a month ago i was a healthy active mother of two and wife. Went to bed and when I woke my life as I had known it was taken away from me...
I had no balance, i couldnt walk, and numbness, and pain. (thought it was the Flu!) So My Husband took me to the ER because as the day went on I got worse. Oh and I took a Hot bath thinking that would help BAD BAD Idea! Couldnt even get out of the tub.
So anywho once the ER seen me I was admitted right away and spent the wekk on the neuro floor at the hosp. Had many tests done. MRI's Cat scans EMG's the works. ass the week went on I couldnt walk at all so the Dr had a walker and a wheel chair delivered to me. PT started in the Hospital and did the steriods... 4 bags a day! I once had the same steriods years ago when I had lost my sight in my lt eye they called it Optic neritis sp? (that lasted 8 weeks very scarry!) That was in 2005... MRI showed nothing so they sent me on my mary way, As the years went buy I would have siatica in both legs tremor in both hands all the time so I had to quit working in the OR. any way to sum it up I would have weird stuff pop up and go away...
Ok back to Now... Got out of the hosp. took my Wheelchair and walker home had no answers to why in the world this happened, Oh and I was sent home with all kinds of Pills! Baclofen 10 mg 4 times a day (does NOTHING!), Oh the fun one was Prednsone Yeah! 5 weeks of that one! percocet for pain, what ever! just makes me dizzy.
Ok moving on ... There are so many things messed up right now My relexs, going to the bathroom. Or should I say Not going!
I live in north FL after 2 mo of the worst pain ever! Non stop Clean MRI's My dr calls today and say he cant figure it out! How do you go to bed fine then wake up like this I said oh I forgot! I have 100% muscle atrophy so the PT is no help my hands look like skeliton hands with skin drapped over them.
So I have a app at mayo clinic in May! Or I can go to UBA in Alabama. i dont know where to go what one is best. I dont know what to do for this pain in my Feet feel like walking on glass or a flame tortch buring me. Shooting pain all over like being zapped! Oh and I can sit and watch all my mucsles all over my body twitch and jump all over.
I am just at a loss I was told by Dr here I have Probable MS. I know about MS I have a good friend who has it and I have it in my family However... That gets me nothing and nowhere.
Ok this is really Long and I am sorry and if you have took the time to read this all, Your an angel! Thank you! Any advice or questions? I didnt put everything because then it would be a book.