I am not really sure what is going on. For the past month I have been experienceing Trigeminal Neuralga. The worst pain that any human being could ever experience. Now everything is kind of getting worse. My legs feel like rubber bands when I am standing or walking. When I stand sometimes it feels like my legs are about to fold in. Now the pain is in my shoulders and mid back. When shower or take a bath my hands and feet get numb. I am just getting weaker every day and the pain won't go away unless I take Tegretol. Now I have this symptom where if I lean my head a little to the front, my back starts hurting. I am seeing a neuro. What is next is the MRI. I am just wondering if any of you have had pain and stiffness in your limbs along with weakness. I am sorry if everything sounds scattered. The sucking the life out of me.