Hi Everyone,
I'm usually in the fibromyalgia forum. So I'd appreciate some answers here. My new GP perscribed a medication called Baclofen which I heard is usually for patients with MS, I thought I'd better ask more about it. And this would be a good place to ask since maybe I have MS?
Does anyone take muscle relaxants or have experience taking Baclofen? I take 10 mg. only at bedtime so far. I've been able to sleep better but the returned pain and tightness shows up again in the afternoon. Is it a good medication to take? Are there side effects?
The next time I see my GP I'm going to ask him whether I should have to testing done to see if I have MS. Is it only a brain scan that's needed? But so far there's no follow up appointment made. I think I can just wait.
What I have thus far is total body numbness that came on in the last 6 years and muscle tightness and pain from my scoleosis throughout my spine due to a patient lift injury (which I no longer do) and a severe car accident. I also have muscle tightness due to fibromyalgia and joint pain and meibomian gland dysfunction which I try to control with warm, wet compresses and Soothe eye drops.