Thank you both for your replies.
I called the nurse at my MS clinic and she thinks it is a relapse, and to call if it gets worse. I have a feeling the relapse must be stress related as it's been crazy around here, and I've been overdoing it. A few nights ago my boyfriend got some numbness in his face and we ended up at the hospital... we think now it was an allergic reaction. We seem to take turns with our ailments like a messed up game of ping pong (he has kidney disease and is on home dialysis).
I am supposed to be going back to work sometime this month, but now this relapse is making me think twice, and am still waiting to see a psychiatrist to get my head under control before I do. Meanwhile his mom is suffering from malnutrition and crohns disease and is not well. UGH. I keep thinking things HAVE to get better at somepoint... we are living in an absolute pigsty, and neither of us has the energy to do anything about it, and I'm too anxious to have someone come in. I want to go home and see my family for my well-being, but don't want to leave my boyfriend alone trying to rescue his mother from this downhill slide when he's not well himself. I wish someone could come and take care of us for a while, or take care of her at least and get her to eat!
I thought 10 minutes on the exercise bike we have might help something, now both my legs have been vibrating for the past hour. I hope that isn't a bad thing.
Anyway, thanks for listening to me vent.... I keep thinking of that saying.. when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.. I hope I made the knot tight enough!!