Good evening to all. First and foremost, Thank you. Reading some of your posts has helped me considerably. My husband has the ostrich syndrome and as wonderful as he is I feel a bit "in it alone." I have only been Dx'd w/ possible MS, I am currently going out of my mind waiting on test results, i.e. Autonomic Reflex (yep, I passed out), A zillion blood labs, arterial doppler, EVP's, EEG, MRI (cervical), and the Spinal Tap. My appt. w/ the Neuro is on the 18th, less than a week but seems forever. Back to point, I fanatically research everything I find out. My only form of control at the moment. The MRI brain showed only one lesion, I have the MRI films and have actually studied them until I get a headache! I have several questions to ask and would appreciate any input. First of all the "episode" that sent me to the ER was not "classic" MS symptom. My legs and feet turned freezing cold from the inside out, had numbness & tingling, and turned purple and black. I went to ER fearing circulation problems, purple/black skin is not usually a good sign. However, I had good pulses and oxygen levels in my feet and while I was there my hands started doing it to. Note, both left and right hands/legs exhibited the symptoms at the same time with a slight variance in degree. The ER doctor admitted me to the Neuro floor believing possible MS. They the consulted my GP who had me released. My GP had just did a routine physical the week before that was good (with exception of lipids) but he had put me on Adipex for weight loss and thought maybe it was a reaction. GP pulled me off of the Adipex and symptoms still came and went, fortunately they would come in the Doc's office, or anytime I seemed to be at rest or sitting still for long periods. He ordered a few tests, arterial doppler (upper) and arthritis panel, both came back normal - ruled out Renauds and Lupus. Then refered to Neuro. Back to questions... Has anyone else experienced that or any of these other strange things, they kind of scare me. First appt w/ Neuro he said he believes MS but skin color thing is not a normal symptom
Feeling an muscle tremor similiar to when a tinge(sp?) unit is used, in one specific spot, my left back middle shoulder blade
Hearing problems - I hear them talking but can't make out what they are saying or hear something totally different
Generalized back pain
Severe leg pain expecially in the knees and ankles
Throat pain, one side feels swollen
No vision problems, except "flutterbees" white spots that move around
I still have some of the normal symptoms, fatigue, mental lapses, irritability, severe headaches, bladder issues.
Sorry for the long post. Thanks in advance.