Hi Nicole,
I remember well the big bag of videos
Mike's neuro told us the same thing, it was our choice to pick one. After watching all the vidoes and reading all the literature we decided on Copaxone mainly because of the side effects associated with the interferons. To him that was the biggest issue on the decision because he didn't want to deal with anything else. He's been on it for six years now and his neuro is very happy at how well it is working. It doesn't completely stop progression, he is still progessing slightly (not very noticable though), but he has no new lesions since starting it. Side effect wise, he doesn't really have anything major. There is a burning sensation upon injection that lasts about
15 minutes and there has been a few occassions over the past six years where he has had chest pain and shortness of breath, lasting about
15 minutes as well. The biggest downside to it is it's an everyday shot, but that makes it easy to remember as we just inject right before he goes to bed. If you do choose to go with Copaxone, I would highly recommend getting the autoinjector as it makes things much easier in the beginning.
Good luck with your decision, and if you have questions on any of the other choices I'm sure our other members would be happy to help