Hi All,
My neuro ordered another MRI of brain, cervical and lumbar. I had them done at a new place because where I normally go couldn't do all 3 at the same time. I took them a copy of my last MRI's as well as my reports (another reason for everyone to get copies of everything!)
The only kept the reports because the radiologist that reads the mri's is in a different state! Here is what my brain said "There are focal areas of high signal noted on the flair sequence in the right and left periventricular space and adjacent to the occipital horn on the left compatible with MS plaques." No mention of size or number. Neither of my other ones ever stated that either. I think the periventricular lesions are new.
My neck and lumbar mri's do not mention the lack of or any lesions. I hope he actually looked for them!
I will have the neuro-psych tests on the 25th. I am really gonna try to start the imuran next week.