Hey Everyone
I just read something from another site that shocked me and i wanted to share it and see what u guys thought of it. It was posted by another member of this site as well, so i hope she doesn't mind my bringing it up here.
I itch on my legs...mostly right...and on my right foot a LOT. It's like something is biting me and when it happens it's all over one area of my leg and foot. I've been so convinced that something was biting me that i've actually gone to the bathroom and looked many times! Nothing's ever there, but as soon as i decide it's nothing and go about my business it's back! Just in little spots...not all over my leg/foot. Same places all the time, but i have to admit it does appear at other places on my body as well at times. Does anyone else have anything like this and could it be neurological? I do have psorisasis, but i can tell u for sure this isn't that. As soon as it stops itching i'm left with only the marks of my scratching..no other sign otherwise. What're u'r feelings about this?